Public Works Department - Tree City USA

This is the Tree City USA Official Logo

What is a Tree City USA?

The Tree City USA program has been greening up cities and towns across America since 1976. It is a nationwide movement that provides the framework necessary for communities to manage and expand their public trees.


More than 3,400 communities have made the commitment to becoming a Tree City USA. They have achieved Tree City USA status by meeting four core standards of sound urban forestry management: maintaining a tree board or department, having a community tree ordinance, spending at least $2 per capita on urban forestry, and celebrating Arbor Day.

The City of Seminole is proud to have achieved Tree City USA status for the past 24 years!

Communities that receive Tree City USA recognition not only have taken the time to meet the standards, they also:


  • Reduce costs for energy, stormwater management, and erosion control.  Trees yield 3-5 times their cost in overall benefits to the city.
  • Cut energy consumption by up to 25%. Studies indicate that as few as three additional trees planted around each building in the United States could save $2 billion annually in energy costs.
  • Boost property values across your community. Properly placed trees can increase property values from 7-20%. Buildings in wooded areas rent more quickly, and tenants stay longer.
  • Build stronger ties to your neighborhood and community. Trees and green spaces directly correlate to greater connections to neighbors.