Emergency Preparedness



Making sure you and your loved ones will survive the storm is a year-round task that requires attention to your personal business, your family members, your home and your vehicles. It is not a task that can be done in just 24 hours, so start your planning now!

Complete a disaster plan BEFORE the chaos of an approaching hurricane to be sure you have time to do it right. Do home improvements during the cooler days of the year. Pack your Emergency Survival Kits before June 1st to be sure you have what you need. Organize important papers so you can grab them quickly.

The information below and links to resources will assist you in your planning, but how well you do it is up to you. Take the time to prepare ahead; you'll be glad you did.

Click the link below for more information about Family, Home, Vehicle, and Personal Preparedness:


For additional information about preparedness, click the link below to connect to FEMA’s Ready.gov:
